Friday, 20 March 2020

Tasks 20th March

Good morning everyone!

Today in English you have an activity about past passive. You need your  book (page 61) and your notebook.

In your notebook you should copy the theory and do the activity 3.

You can send me the pictures of your notebook today or during the weekend.

In Social Science  you have a short Google questionnaire about History. It is not a real test so don´t panic. It is  just an individual activity that I will take into account as other activities that you have done. The answers will be sent automatically when you click on "enviar". I will check your answers during the weekend and I will give you your mark on Monday.

Click on the following link and don´t forget to write your name and your email.

Remember that  we are in a special situation and I am flexible with the activities and the deadlines. Don´t worry if your family needs the computer!   You can make the questionnaire during the weekend.

On Monday I will send you the feedback of all the activities that you have done this week.

Tomorrow and on Sunday I am not going to upload tasks. Enjoy your weekend!

Pd: I am going to spend my free time colouring a mandala and doing a 2000-piece jigsaw puzzle. I took these pictures yesterday. 😁


  1. diana did i send you the homework?

  2. I did not receive your pictures. Educamadrid is not working so you can send me the pictures to my gmail address. Thank you so much!

  3. I senda you the exam and It dont apered the results

  4. Hi Iago,
    I am going to send you the "marks" on Monday. I could not set the questionnaire up properly, so I will check your answers and I will give you the results. Dont worry about that because it is not a real test.
